So You Didn’t Win Teacher of the Year?… Pt. 3 Is it Worth It?

Hello to all my fellow teachers out there in blog-land! 🙂

Today, we are finishing up our little mini-series on those of us who didn’t win, or haven’t won, #TOTY.  If you have kept up with the posts so far, you’ve learned the following:

  • Our confidence, credibility, & influence comes from God and our students!
  • If we don’t receive any rewards here, the ones that really matter will be awaiting us in heaven!
  • The 12 disciples were ordinary people, just like you and just like me, who weren’t rewarded with any earthly awards or titles, and yet turned this world upside down for Jesus!  What they did receive was a lot of suffering. 

As we close out this series, we turn our focus to David, Mary, Joseph, and a few of the martyrs mentioned in the Faith Hall of Fame chapter in the Bible – Hebrews 11. If you ever need a good dose of inspiration, read this chapter!

Finally, at nearly 20 minutes, this is the longest video blog I’ve ever posted!  If you don’t have the time to watch in one sitting, please split it up.  I really think it will be worth it (pun intended), and will encourage you to be the best teacher for God you can possibly be.  I would love to read your feedback if you have the time as well.

Don’t forget about our boycott of Wal-mart for its anti-Christian discrimination policy.  Click here to read the post about it.  Stay devoted, my fellow teachers, and God bless you!

A Call For Christian Teachers to Boycott Wal-mart

I love Wal-mart.  Correction, I loved Wal-mart.  Over the years, I think I have single-handedly kept them in business being a wife and mother of four, not to mention all the school supplies I’ve purchased over the years for my classroom. But. No. More! Why you may ask?  The discrimination policy they have now issued against their Christian workers and Christians in general.

In pushing against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (#RFRA) in Arkansas, they have thrown Christians under the bus.  Now, if two homosexuals ask a Wal-mart baker to write on a cake for them something pertaining to their marriage, then the Christian baker, according to Walmart’s recent stand, would have to do it or face the consequences of losing their job.  It’s a sad time in our country for Christians, isn’t it?  The first amendment rights of the Christian baker are out the window, and, I might add, Wal-mart could care less about the small business owners that really are affected by this.  (Sounds a lot like a predator going in for the kill, doesn’t it?)

So, it’s time to take a stand, my fellow Christian teachers!  We have the power to make a dent in their bottom line.  I’m asking you to join me in boycotting Wal-mart. These days we have many more places to shop in small town America, (big cities too!)  than we used to, and it’s in small town America where Wal-mart makes a killing.  Now is the time to take our business elsewhere.

A couple of really good arguments have come across my news feed in the past few days regarding this issue.  The first one, from best selling author Dinesh D’Souza, would solve the problem, that is, if common sense were the order of the day:  A Christian forced to compromise his religious beliefs has no choice in the matter but a gay couple looking for a service can go elsewhere (or in the case of big companies like Wal-mart, another worker who had no religious belief on the matter could do it instead.) The other one is from Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas:  Should a Muslim who owned a t-shirt business be forced to print t-shirts stating that Mohammad was a false prophet?  

Since Wal-mart is strong arming our rights to religious freedom, we, in turn, must strong arm Wal-mart by taking our business elsewhere!  Let’s do this together, my fellow teachers!  We have the right to love Jesus just as others have the right to love whomever they want.

Please spread the word and let the boycott begin…