What Does Being a Christian Teacher Look Like? (The 5 Characteristics of a Christian Teacher) Part 2

 d5303eace105b7376d456dfdb06b14d9…but not the ones who harp all the time! 😉

Last week, we began our series on the 5 characteristics of a Christian teacher.  Ultimately, we are pointing our students to Christ, with our character and actions in the classroom being our witness. Here is a quick recap:

  • Christian teachers are passionate about teaching.  (Even though we sometimes complain, we’ve got to get our teaching fix, because it’s our calling.)  See 2 Timothy 1:6

  • Christian teachers are fruit producers bearing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. See Galations 5:22-23

Next on the list is…

  •  Christian teachers build relationships with their students.


    You may be thinking that most teachers build relationships day in and day out with students.  And yes, they do! The difference is Christian teachers build them by serving and ministering to students.  For example, when we see a student in need, whether it’s small or large, we look for a way to meet that need.  Whether it includes pencils and paper, help with school work, or something bigger like clothes or even a mattress on which to sleep, we do our best to serve them at their point of need. After all, when we are serving our students, we are serving Christ.  

    More importantly though, it means taking time to listen and talk to students. Teachers are already spending time with students during class, but Christian teachers take that extra bit of “me” time and shave off a few minutes here and there, as well as time before, between, and after class to get to know their students better.  We serve our kids something more valuable than gold when we serve them with our time!


    The most striking difference of all though, is that the most effective way Christian teachers build relationships with their students is by loving them and praying for them.  Stop and think about that for a moment.  Who do we pray for the most?  Is it not those with whom we have a close relationship?  With those we love?  It’s nearly impossible to not build a relationship with the people in our lives for whom we pray and love fervently. Amen?


Next week we will continue with the 5 characteristics of Christian teachers.  Until then, continue with your passionate, fruit bearing, relationship building teaching dear Christian teachers!  God bless you and stay devoted.




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