May I See Your I.D.?

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‘Tis the season for teachers to vote for Teacher of the Year (TOTY) at schools all around the country.  It’s one teacher takes all, which inevitably leaves the rest of the faculty wondering, Why didn’t I win? What could I have done better? or I’m just not good enough.  I’m sure most of us have encountered these questions at some point during our teaching careers… me included.  Can I get a witness?

If this is you too, then you and I both may need to be lovingly reminded that our true identity is not found in winning awards or, with the exception of beliefs, any of the following aspects:


Sure, people may identify us in one of the above ways, as these characteristics do constitute our earthly uniqueness.  BUT, we are talking about SO MUCH MORE than that!

So dear teachers, I want to remind you of who your are in Christ, and that upon His foundation all the other facets of our identities are built.  Just take a moment and inhale what the living, breathing word of God emphatically states on this subject…

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… and the next time the aforementioned thoughts race through your mind at +100 mph, stop ’em in their tracks by exhaling it. For example…

  • I’m just not good enough!  No, I am a born again child of the living God. Blood bought and on a mission to win students to the Lord.  1 Corinthians 6:20…for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

  • Why didn’t I win? Am I who I make myself?  No, God works in me to do according to His will, His purpose, and His plan – whether I’m TOTY or not! Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

  • Do I fit in?  Well, first of all does it really matter? We are in our classrooms to make a difference in students’ lives first and foremost!  Shine like a diamond in a gold mine. God has us where we are for a purpose.  We are where we are because He is in control of every facet of our lives.  Romans 12:1  And be not conformed to this world. And Daniel 4:35 says, He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: “What have you done?” 

  • What could I have done better?  We all can improve, even the king or queen of the ball, also known as TOTY, and additionally, we can learn from each other. Proverbs 27:17  Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Deep, cleansing breaths are not just good for the body!  They are good for the soul and spirit as well.  Remember that! 🙂

One last thing to think about when these thoughts are scurrying about in our minds is to ask ourselves, How do our students identify us?  If we can honestly critique ourselves in a fashion affirming that yes(!) indeed most of the time our students i.d. Christ in us, then hey teachers(!) we’re doing the job God would have us do.  Can I get an amen?!  Yes. Yes. Yes!

Now shout HALLELUJAH!  Teacher of the year, or teacher of God… which do you identify with teachers?  Let’s whip out our identification! Is it stamped…download (15)??? We all receive an A when we teach for God and we only are able do that when our identity is found in Him and Him above all else.

God bless you dear teachers.  Put the titles, or lack thereof, to the side and stay devoted!



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