Fruit Frenzy Part 4 – Peace, One Prayer At A Time


Do you have an abundance of peace?  Without peace we starve ourselves of all the other fruit in our bowl.  Think about it.

Without peace…

…We love less

Our joy is not as jolly

And our patience turns to folly

Kindness takes a back seat

And goodness can’t compete

Gentleness isn’t so gentle, because, after all, now we’re mostly mental

Which makes our faithfulness fairly accidental – it’s hit or miss

And the self-control we kicked in the ditch

Calls to us shouting, Pray! Peace be still!  

Because peace, my child, peace is God’s will. 

So how do we maintain our peace, dear teachers?  Because we all know how quickly we can lose it, amen?  I was asking myself this same question last week while thinking ahead about peace, and God gave me a nugget I would like to pass on to you.

My husband, Keith, sings in a gospel group called Zion.  We were at a benefit singing a few days ago, and I heard another group sing a song by Kyla Rowland called One Prayer At A Time.  That song stuck in my mind like hot glue does to the posters on our classroom walls.

Verse 1:  I prayed for salvation that’s how I first met Him
I’ve seen wonders and great victories
There’ve been oceans of hard times but I’ve come through just fine
I’ve been crossing each one on my knees
Chorus:  Not one time when I pray has He turned me away
What love what compassion I find
At the edge of the river as I step into forever
I’ll cry, I’ve made it one prayer at a time
Verse 2:  Prayer made for healing, prayer for my children (*and students!)
Often praying all through the night
I’ll lay down all these burdens at the edge of the Jordan
And I’ll make it one prayer at a time
Tag:  I can rest there forever in a land beyond the river
And I’ll make it one prayer at a time

*My words

One.  Prayer.  At.  A.  Time.  And another.  And another.  One moment at a time.  One day at time.  Until Jesus comes again!  That’s how we maintain our peace and stay calm in the midst of the storm, whether it’s a crazy classroom full of kids at school or the chaos of trials and tribulations in our personal lives.

We will make it one prayer at a time, so never stop praying dear friend. 

Additionally, have you ever heard the phrase peace though strength?  In the world in which we live today, peace through strength refers to security measures a nation takes by beefing up its military apparatus.  Strength and power are synonymous.

We can do the same!  When we gain strength for battles through prayer, then we will have peace. Therefore, let’s beef up our prayer life, because the enemy is always lurking, and we will keep him at bay when we are on our knees.

Let’s sum it up as a math teacher would!…

Peace = Prayer + Strength 


A fruit frenzy of peace is found through prayer, dear teachers.  We must partake in order for it to abound in us and our classrooms.  Lord knows, we all need more strength and more power to stay the course, amen?  So pray teachers pray!


May God bless you in your classrooms this week with abundant peace.  Next week, we will talk about the fruit frenzy of patience.  Until then, stay devoted!


#Peace  #OnePrayerAtATime





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