God With Us, God In Us, God For Us!

Think about that title… Truly if we meditate on it even for just a little while, it will deepen our faith in Him.

Our pastor, John Lemmings, preached a message on that subject last Sunday.  It was a like a birthday gift wrapped in glittery red paper, beautiful white ribbon, and a tag with my name on it! And I’m gonna pay it forward, albeit this is the condensed version tweaked for teachers of course.


Matthew 1:23  Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (which means, God with us).

God is WITH us always.  He’s in our classroom every single minute of every single day. He will never leave us nor forsake us! (Deuteronomy 31:6)  When things are going good, He’s with us. When things are not going good He’s with us. Selah! (Stop and think about that a minute!) Therefore, remember He’s with you when your days and your students are challenging.  Call on Him, because He’s with you, dear teachers.


Not only is God with us, He’s IN us in the form of the Holy Spirit.  Wow! The Spirit guides us as we teach our students, comforts us when we are feeling down, and helps us to love the unlovable… not that we ever have an unlovable student in our classroom.😉 AMEN! Thank you Jesus!

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Finally, God is FOR us!

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The object of our faith is not faith itself, it’s Almighty God… and God Almighty, the Ruler of the Universe, is FOR us!  (Insert happy dance!) He’s the most enthusiastic cheerleader we could ever want or imagine. Why?…Because He pours out a grand and glorious everlasting love upon us.  We are the object of His affection.

God is WITH us, God is IN us, and God is FOR us!  Now that’s a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you Lord!

God bless you dear teachers and remain devoted!

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